Chris Reed

Chris J Reed has 25 years of senior marketing experience on both the client and agency side in the UK and now in Asia-Pacific based in Singapore. He is the CEO and founder of Black Marketing.

Mar 15, 2015

Why does Singapore Airlines make such boring videos?

I have to conclude that the brand produces the most boring and unappealing content possible.

Feb 17, 2015

Hilton tries to change business image with concert ...

Hilton has created a partnership with leading concert promoter Live Nation to try and change their rather stuffy brand image to one that is cool, contemporary and in touch with Gen Y and Gen X, in fact anyone outside of the baby boomers generation. Good luck with that.

Feb 10, 2015

CNY of the sheep (or is it goat or um, ram?) ...

I love Chinese New Year (CNY). Every year is different, a different animal for marketers to wrestle with. This Lunar New Year is the Year of the Goat. Although some say it’s the Year of the Sheep as apparently they are the same in Chinese. Some even say the Ram, which ( guess is in between the two.

Feb 4, 2015

Why do QR codes work in China and not in Singapore?

On a recent trip to China I was amazed by the amount of QR codes I saw. Why have they taken off in China and not in the West or even in Singapore? Simple answer, mobile.

Jan 27, 2015

A State of Trance: Customer-centric music power ...

What started as a dance genre has become a multi level marketing operation unparalleled in global music for the strength of it’s brand, loyalty of its fans, variety of its interactive aspects and longevity of it’s brand strength.

Jan 8, 2015

LinkedIn and Taken 3 connect to market new film

20th Century Fox have created a very innovative Linkedin based promotion for the new Liam Neeson film Taken 3. In what I think is a first they have created a profile for the character Bryan Mills and a showcase page for the film itself and asked you to connect with Mills to enter a competition.

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