
Jun 9, 2020

Obituary: Eugene Umali Demata, 51, celebrated Filipino creative

The chief creative officer of Grey Manila was the first to win the Philippines a Cannes Grand Prix Lion.

Oct 5, 2018

Get an Olympian mindset to win the experience game

Brands keep talking about big transformational changes, but it’s the marginal gains that make a real difference, according to Ben Poole of Reprise APAC.

Oct 4, 2018

‘Social media is the new shop window’: R/GA

Anthony Baker said brands have to understand that commerce is a completely different beast now, thanks to technology.

Sep 3, 2018

World Trade Center Metro Manila is certified by UFI

WTCMM is the first and only exhibition venue in the Philippines that is recognised by UFI.

Jan 19, 2018

Best spaces to work: Campaigns & Grey Manila

Grey's office in Manila adds wood accents and brief splashes of colour to a mainly industrial vibe

Oct 26, 2017

Dad and daughter trapped in Manila casino time warp

Someone ought to investigate what's going on in this profoundly disturbing video from Manila's City of Dreams.