
Mar 12, 2014

Hong Kong's Chocolate Rain uses collaborations to elevate brand

HONG KONG - Prudence Mak, founder of local design brand Chocolate Rain, rejuvenated an old dream this month with the opening of a restaurant in the brand's new flagship store in a newly renovated space in Hong Kong.

Aug 30, 2013

Bars, brands join ‘Drink for Good’ event

HONG KONG - More than 60 bars and 40 corporate sponsors, including British Airways, Bank of America, The Economist, Maxus and Ogilvy have teamed up with charity organisation HandsOn Hong Kong for a 4 September fund-raising event.

Dec 14, 2012

Extraterrestrial monkey sparks wake-up call about lack of creativity in 'Copycat China'

MAINLAND CHINA - Commercial real estate developer Soho China's branding campaign for the launch of the Galaxy SOHO in Beijing was not what it first seemed—involving a monkey from outer space that beseeched the country to stop being a copycat empire.