eastern europe

Jul 29, 2010

Asian cities boast with the fastest internet speeds globally : Akamai

ASIA-PACIFIC – Asian cities dominate the top 100 lists of average connection speeds globally, with 61 cities located in Japan, 12 in South Korea and Hong Kong, according to the State of the Internet Q1 Asia-Pacific report by Akamai Technologies.

Jul 29, 2010

Asian cities boast with the fastest internet speeds globally : Akamai

ASIA-PACIFIC – Asian cities dominate the top 100 lists of average connection speeds globally, with 61 cities located in Japan, 12 in South Korea and Hong Kong, according to the State of the Internet Q1 Asia-Pacific report by Akamai Technologies.

Jul 20, 2010

ZenithOptimedia increases global ad spend forecast

GLOBAL - ZenithOptimedia has increased its forecast for global ad expenditure growth from 2.2 to 3.5 per cent during 2010 and stated it is not expecting a 'double dip' recession but is "still cautious" about the market.

Jul 20, 2010

ZenithOptimedia increases global ad spend forecast

GLOBAL - ZenithOptimedia has increased its forecast for global ad expenditure growth from 2.2 to 3.5 per cent during 2010 and stated it is not expecting a 'double dip' recession but is "still cautious" about the market.