Valentine's Day 2025 round-up: how UK brands are treating romance
From 'World dump day' to 'Knorrplay', a look at some of this year's brand love coming out of the UK.
Love in the time of the pitch process
RFP: Possibly the worst introduction for a blind date a person could imagine.
Secrets to a steady (client-agency) relationship
What makes some client-agency relationships healthier than others? We invited them to share their feelings.
Beyond red hearts: Changing images of love
Rebecca Swift, director of creative planning with iStock by Getty Images, shares a few images showing ways to illustrate love without resorting to cliche. Please see the related-article link at the bottom of the page for Swift's Valentine's Day opinion on the imagery of love.
UK creative agency Love closing Shanghai office after three years
SHANGHAI - Travor Cairns, CEO of UK-based creative agency Love, confirmed to Campaign Asia-Pacific that over the next three months the company will close down its Shanghai office, which opened in 2011.
TSL crafts brand as 'Artisan of love' with unprecedented 3.5-minute TVC
HONG KONG - Tse Sui Luen Jewellery (TSL) has set out to revitalise its brand with a large-scale, through-the-line campaign—its first major advertising push in 15 years.
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