
Mar 5, 2025

Skype signs off: The OG of video-calls logs out for good

One of the first brands to democratise international calls and foster global communication, Skype gets a fond farewell as it is formally retired by Microsoft.

Apr 3, 2014

What’s at stake for Skype in Thailand, China and the Philippines?

SINGAPORE - Microsoft has launched advertising on Skype for the first time in China, the Philippines and Thailand as part of its strategy to grow advertising revenue.

Jan 10, 2013

Microsoft retires Windows Live Messenger in favour of Skype

GLOBAL - Microsoft is retiring its 13-year old messaging service Windows Live Messenger in favour of Skype, except in Mainland China where Windows Live will continue to be available.

Nov 30, 2012

Galaxy Macau runs first Skype multiscreen campaign in Asia

HONG KONG - Casino Galaxy Macau has become the first advertiser in Asia to implement a multi-screen campaign on both Skype for PC and Skype mobile.

May 14, 2012

Microsoft extends partnership with Pixel Media as Skype's online advertising rep in HK

HONG KONG - Microsoft has appointed Pixel Media as its exclusive online advertising representative of Skype in Hong Kong this month without a pitch, extending their partnership since 2002 from its, Windows Live Hotmail and Messenger.

Mar 22, 2012

Hong Kong's Maaii chooses Bite Communications for global launch

HONG KONG - Maaii, a Hong Kong company offering a smartphone app for free calling and instant messeging, has appointed Bite Communications as its agency of record for its global launch.