strongest local brands

Sep 20, 2021

Australians swap travel for a trip to the supermarket

Campaign's exclusive ranking of Australia's top local brands shows consumer support has shifted to businesses which delivered on essential needs—from groceries to banking, internet connectivity to search. Google becomes only international brand in the top 10.

Sep 13, 2021

Japan sticks to its favourite local brands through the pandemic

JAPAN’S TOP LOCAL BRANDS: Toyota remains tops for the fourth straight year with no change whatsoever to the top five. But Rakuten, Mitsubishi and Nissan make big gains.

Aug 30, 2021

Close-knit New Zealand favours brands that are part of the social fabric

Asked to name the strongest local brands, Kiwis name companies that represent the country on a global stage, those that do their part for the community and the world and those that communicate forthrightly.

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