
Jan 29, 2020

'Constitution of advertising' applies only to 'ad men', apparently

Indian agency Chimp&z drafted a set of rights for "a new generation of advertising professionals". Only one problem.

Apr 9, 2019

Meet Liam. He has 5000 Instagram followers, but no pulse.

Fake influencers are nothing new, but this one has a semi-realistic face, plus a penchant for sweet-potato wedges and Japanese cosmetics.

Mar 22, 2019

Ahhh, the fresh smell of..sweaty underpants?

This gardening brand's commercial really stinks.

Feb 28, 2019

Propaganda branding: the old new wave in China?

Video of school kids singing 'Huawei the Beautiful' goes viral in the mainland market.

Aug 1, 2018

Bag backflip: Coles inexplicably fails to implement its own plastic policy

The Australian grocer caves in to a minority that was apparently having difficulty with the "transition" to reusable bags.

Jun 11, 2018

Stranger things: A reporters' notebook of WTF items

As journalists, we encounter two kinds of information: The kind that demands serious treatment, and the kind that makes us go…'Wait, what?' These are their stories.