Ri An Quek

Aug 6, 2021

How brands can appreciate, celebrate and enhance time

Brands should understand the cultural underpinnings of attitudes toward time, so they can align value propositions to helping consumers build meaningful relationships with it.

Jun 3, 2020

Convenience stores: From corner store to cornerstone

Convenience stores are taking on new roles through innovation and experimentation in space management and retail strategy, which translates to emerging opportunities for FMCG and F&B brands.

Mar 4, 2020

Crisis and opportunity: The role of brands in ...

The type of role a brand can adopt during times of crisis must be informed by an understanding of the market and the cultural mindset of its audience.

Nov 26, 2018

Is Chinese masculinity in crisis or an opportunity ...

There is more to the emerging Chinese masculinity landscape than effeminate, androgynous good-looking males.

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