
May 30, 2024

How Dentsu and Nestlé cut digital ad emissions by 25% in Indonesia

CASE STUDY: By measuring and eliminating higher-emitting media and formats throughout their campaign for Bear Brand's sterilised milk drink, the carbon footprint was slashed by a quarter within a three-month period.

Jun 16, 2023

UK ad chiefs warn: ‘Advertised emissions’ won't help our industry to reach net zero

The bosses of the AA, IPA and ISBA say tracking carbon impact is vital but argue Purpose Disruptors' methodology is flawed because it overstates the emissions attributable to advertising.

May 8, 2023

Oatly offers free advertising to dairy rivals willing to reveal carbon footprint

The Swedish oat-drink company has added information about its climate impact to products in the U.S.

Jul 20, 2022

Group M launches global framework to reduce carbon footprint of media

Clients will be advised on which channels, and eventually media vendors, are causing the most carbon emissions in effort to slash advertising's carbon footprint.

May 5, 2021

Unilever and Nestlé commit to voluntary green advertising surcharge

UK initiative sees brands paying a green levy of 0.25% of the cost to produce an ad.

Jul 17, 2020

P&G commits to becoming carbon neutral this decade

Company is partnering with Conservation International and WWF.

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