corporate social responsibility

Jul 23, 2013

Sustained commitment the test of CSR

MARKETERS FORUM: With the rising popularity of cause-driven advertising, everyone has a reason for giving. But what makes a CSR campaign authentic and what is just commercial greenwashing?

Jun 11, 2013

CSR: Brands can no longer afford to pass the buck

Brands can avoid guilt by association with unethical practices by adopting a policy of sustainability and transparency.

Apr 13, 2011

Chinese brands lead CSR : R3

BEIJING - Local Chinese brands by far outperform multinational companies in terms of CSR perception, according to a recent study by consultancy R3.

Mar 8, 2011

Bell Pottinger's David Logan on the evolution of CSR in Asia

David Logan, founder and co-chair of Bell Pottinger Group sustainability arm Corporate Citizenship, on corporate social responsibility in Asia.