spikes 2018

Oct 23, 2018

Gender equality is not a fad: Kate Roydhouse

The fight is far from over in adland, argues the MD and executive producer of Curious Films.

Oct 10, 2018

The thinking behind Facebook's Stories ads

Global creative director Andrew Keller breaks down the format.

Oct 5, 2018

As The Ad World Turns: What role do consultants play?

If the ad business is a soap opera with sinking ratings, what do we make of the recent entrance of consultancies?

Oct 4, 2018

Music Spikes judge: Advertising cannot operate within an echo chamber

Tamon Fujimi of MassiveMusic Tokyo describes getting his 'groove on' as a judge of the Music category at Spikes Asia.

Oct 3, 2018

Judging Entertainment at Spikes — and why so many campaigns missed the mark

The global CEO of Sweetshop shares behind-the-scenes insights from his position on the Entertainment Jury at Spikes Asia 2018.

Sep 19, 2018

Spikes jury chief Cristovao: Please, no more lip-service to causes

The head of Google Brand Studio in APAC is president of the Digital, Digital Craft and Mobile juries at Spikes Asia 2018—and she already has a list of things she's hoping not to see.

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