Apr 7, 2006

China puts brake as Rolling Stone hits newsstands

The future for Rolling Stone in China looks unclear following a ruling that it was published illegally.

China puts brake as Rolling Stone hits newsstands
Licensee One Media Group (OMG), which is also due to publish a China version of popular Hong Kong read Ming Pao Weekly, issued a statement in response to the crackdown stressing that it remained committed to its strategic partners and would continue as the exclusive content licensee for the magazine "The group will continue to work with its partners in mainland China to ensure adherence to compliance mea- sures," OMG said. OMG declined to provide further information at press time, though observers have speculated that Rolling Stone may have to tone down both its branding and content if it is to find favour with Chinese authorities, potentially diluting its appeal among readers and advertisers. Analysts have identified the magazine sector as a growth market, but strict controls have limited the entry of new foreign titles, with only Rolling Stone and Vogue launching in recent months.
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