How did you get into advertising?
It was quite by accident. I was accompanying my girlfriend while she was going around looking for a job in advertising. I got bored so I took a copy test in one of the agencies, not knowing what a copy test was at that time. After a couple of months, I got a call from the creative director. The rest, as they say, is history.
What was your first ever ad?
Let’s not go there.
What was your first ever job?
I was flipping burgers at Wendy’s back in college.
What was your worst job ever?
I worked as a suit for a couple of months. The job didn’t suit me.
What does it take to impress you?
I guess it’s those times when I see something and I wish I thought of it myself.
Where do you go to be inspired?
The restroom.
If you can spend one day with a celebrity or historical figure, who would it be? Why?
I’d probably spend the day with Scarlet Johansson. Why not?
What is your guilty pleasure?
Watching cooking shows like Masterchef and Hell’s Kitchen.
If you have to come back as an animal, what would you be? Why?
I’d come back as a Titanium Lion. Never has such an animal been so sought-after.
What is the last book you read?
I think it’s How Not To Come Second.
Which ad do you wish you had made?
It’s always the last campaign that won Cannes Grand Prix and Titanium.
Worst haircut you’ve ever had?
The one I have now.
Describe your typical day.
That’s the great thing about my job. Every day is different.
Can you suggest a question for our next Q&A candidate?
If you’re not working in advertising, what would be your dream job?
Going anywhere nice on your holidays? (Question provided by Ogilvy & Mather Hong Kong’s Simon Handford)
Bohol, Philippines, baby!