Ad Nut
Dec 3, 2015

Jewellery brand shows you how to show the finger(s)

From Hong Kong: 'Finger Language' (「指語」), for Tse Sui Luen Jewellery (TSL) 謝瑞麟 by DDB Group Hong Kong

Jewellery brand shows you how to show the finger(s)

TSL has taken an unconventional marketing approach for this year's Christmas campaign. This came as a surprise to Ad Nut because just two years ago (2013), the jewellery brand stopped being a closet romantic to launch its first major advertising push in over 10 years, calling itself the "artisan of love" and positioning itself as HK's "foremost wedding jewellery expert".

Possibly because lovebirds are not getting married fast enough to empty TSL's ring display cabinets (as this table from the census and statistics department shows, marriage rates have been dropping since 2011), the brand has decided to engage a different—and younger—audience by "looking beyond a conventional story of love" as its core campaign idea.

The creative work encourages consumers to express themselves through TSL’s new range of stackable rings to create a new "finger language". While this dilutes TSL's 'wedding-expert' image, it does move the brand away from a homogenous and boring message.

Ad Nut is now wishing to have five fingers like human beings. Acorns just don't allow self-expression such as subtle swearing (and ain't that sparkly either).



Client: Tse Sui Luen Jewellery (TSL)
Agency: DDB Group Hong Kong
Group Creative Director: Francis Chung
Senior Art Director: Shadow Ng
Art Director: Waiwai Wai
Copywriter: Penny Lau
Head of Broadcast: Annie Tong
Business Director: Valiant Yip
Group Account Director: Debby Lai
Account Manager: Fiona Mok, Wing Or
Account Executive: Angela Lee
Digital media partner: WhoAREInvited


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