
Jun 17, 2010

MediaTV Christmas special: The dream job question

ASIA-PACIFIC - In MediaTV's final Christmas special, we ask the industry's most prominent players what their dream job would be.

Mar 17, 2010

AME VIDEO: Chris Graves, Ogilvy PR CEO, says effectiveness is electric, its sexy

SHANGHAI - Chris Graves, global CEO of Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide, is returning to host the Asian Marketing Effectiveness (AMEs) Festival for a second year. During a recent interview with Media, he talks about what he'd like to see at this year's festival held next week in Shanghai.

Mar 17, 2010

AME VIDEO: Chris Graves, Ogilvy PR CEO, says effectiveness is electric, its sexy

SHANGHAI - Chris Graves, global CEO of Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide, is returning to host the Asian Marketing Effectiveness (AMEs) Festival for a second year. During a recent interview with Media, he talks about what he'd like to see at this year's festival held next week in Shanghai.

Mar 17, 2010

AME VIDEO: Chris Graves, Ogilvy PR CEO, says effectiveness is electric, its sexy

SHANGHAI - Chris Graves, global CEO of Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide, is returning to host the Asian Marketing Effectiveness (AMEs) Festival for a second year. During a recent interview with Media, he talks about what he'd like to see at this year's festival held next week in Shanghai.

Mar 12, 2010

VIDEO: Ian Millner, CEO of iris Worldwide, on retail trends and best practices

SINGAPORE - In view of the rapidly growing discipline of retail, Media quizzed Ian Millner (pictured), global chief of iris, on the trends in retail plus some best practices that marketers and retailers here can look to adopt.

Mar 12, 2010

VIDEO: Ian Millner, CEO of iris Worldwide, on retail trends and best practices

SINGAPORE - In view of the rapidly growing discipline of retail, Media quizzed Ian Millner (pictured), global chief of iris, on the trends in retail plus some best practices that marketers and retailers here can look to adopt.