
Apr 16, 2020

It's 2020, so why are some groups still being shut out of ads?

Marketers say more diverse leadership teams are needed to confront bias in the industry and produce creative work that is more reflective of modern society.

Jun 12, 2019

Men need to "get over" #MeToo fear and become diversity champions instead

The industry needs more men to champion gender diversity, but it must first "move past" nervousness caused by the #MeToo movement

Jun 10, 2019

20 equality actions everyone should take by 2020

The APAC CEO of Wunderman Thompson, Annette Male, outlines 20 actions she thinks adland should take to move the needle on equality and diversity in the workplace, from policies on harassment to pay parity.

Jun 7, 2019

“We’re missing half the world’s POV by not quoting women”

Panellists at Women Leading Change explored why publishers have just as important a role in promoting diversity as advertisers.

Jun 6, 2019

Mandate for Change: the mandate has changed

Two years after APAC media agency chiefs signed a pledge to improve gender equality, most networks are focusing efforts on broader inclusion initiatives.

Jun 5, 2019

How to recognise (and stop feeling) imposter syndrome

Recruitment expert Jacqui Barratt and psychologist Lissy Puno dispel myths about this commonly felt phenomenon, looking into its origins, how to identify it in yourself and others, and how to get yourself out of the cycle.

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