Brand's Store has registered the biggest increase in advertising awareness in Thailand for the month of April. Data from YouGov BrandIndex, which tracks consumer perceptions toward brands on a daily basis worldwide, shows that Ad Awareness of the health supplements brand saw an uplift of nine percentage points over the four-week period.
The tonic maker recently promoted Songkran-themed gift sets of its bird's nest products (picture below), priced at a 25% discount at various retail chains like 7-11, Lotus's, BigC, Tops and The Mall.

It also worked with the traffic and highway police to distribute 50,000 bottles of its chicken essence soup nationwide, as part of a road safety campaign over the Thai New Year weekend.
According to data from YouGov BrandIndex, Brand's ad awareness score rose from 29% on 30 March to a high of 38.2% by 23 April. Ad Awareness is a BrandIndex metric that measures the percentage of people who have seen an advert from a particular brand in the previous two weeks.
Additionally, smartphone and consumer electronics maker Apple recorded an 8.4-point jump in the ad awareness index from 26.5% on 5 April to 34.9% by 18 April, while malted chocolate drink brand Ovaltine saw its Ad Awareness climb 7.8 points from 29.8% on 4 April to 37.6% by 22 April.
Methodology: A brand’s Ad Awareness score is based on the question: “Which of the following consumer brands have you seen an advertisement for in the past two weeks?” (% Yes). Data from surveys of adults aged 18 years and above residing in Thailand from 26 March to 25 April 2024. Ad Awareness scores are based on a four-week moving average. The change in scores for each brand is calculated by taking the difference between the highest and lowest scoring days within the period.