Arcay has been in partnership with Burson-Marstellar (B-M) since 2007 and will now be known as Arcay Burson-Marstellar.
While the decision to expand into the continent was globally led, the move is particularly advantagous for B-M's operations in China.
China is currently South Africa's largest trade partner with exports to China reaching US$10.5 billion last year, according to the Financial Times. Recently, China agreed to fund US$2.5 billion in investment projects within South Africa, underscoring the nation's status as a destination for Chinese direct investment.
"Chinese companies are investing heavily in Africa, and as they do they will require on-the-ground support to reach out to stakeholders,” said Chris Deri, CEO of B-M China.
At present B-M China represents its Chinese clients in Europe and the US, and hopes to do likewise in Africa.
Arcay Communications was founded over 20 years ago by Robyn de Villiers who has been retained as CEO and chairman of the firm. She will also be joining B-M's EMEA (Europe, Middle East & Africa) leadership team.
"This acquisition is the best demonstration of Burson-Marsteller’s faith in our work, our business and our region," commented de Villiers on the acquisition.