has relaunched in a new format to provide mainland readers with more in-depth content in addition to breaking local-market news in simplified Chinese. This includes the latest headlines, new campaigns, case studies, blogs, interviews, videos, research and analysis reports and more. covers the Greater China region, comprising China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macau. The new site also provides more content exclusive to each of the industry sectors, including advertising and creative, marketing, media, PR and digital. relaunched as in June to include five new sites and improved coverage of the entire region.
“Bringing into our new platform of Campaign Asia-Pacific web sites is a really exciting step in the launch of the Campaign brand here. This simplified Chinese web site massively deepens the content we offer to Chinese speaking professionals both for free and via our new Chinese language subscription packages. I look forward to announcing more new products as we continue on our launch path,” said Dan Cotton, Haymarket strategy director.
The next part of the transition will take place when Campaign India is relaunched with a new look within the next two weeks.
Readers can now browse through a database of over 50,000 archived articles and breaking news covering the entire region on, for Southeast Asia news, for Greater China news in English, for Greater China news in simplified Chinese and for India news and developments.
The full range of subscription packages is now available at or in Chinese at
Click here for more news on the change from Media to Campaign, including Media magazine's relaunch due in September.