
1 day ago

Inside Reddit's strategy to court advertisers in Asia Pacific

Durgesh Kaushik, the platform's APAC leader explains to Campaign why Reddit has already put down roots in Australia, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Cambodia, Malaysia and Vietnam.

Jun 4, 2024

Can curation revive the programmatic open auction?

Campaign explores the value of the open auction for publishers, and whether the risk of vulnerability can be subsided with curation.

May 30, 2024

Grab integrates OpenAI technology into its platform

Aside from making an impact on accessibility, customer support, and mapping, OpenAI's generative AI technology has the potential to impact Grab's advertising tools like retail media.

May 28, 2024

'We are now a performance business': DoubleVerify's CEO on expanding beyond brand safety

On a recent trip to Singapore to attend Campaign 360, CEO Mark Zagorski spoke to Campaign about the company's expansion into social-media measurement, retail media, and AI plans.

May 20, 2024

Will zero-party data restore consumers' trust in brand value?

Allowing individuals to willingly and conveniently share their data in exchange for better experiences can be a win-win. But as Campaign discovers, certain conditions and challenges must be met for all to benefit.

May 13, 2024

Colossus SSP alleged to mismatch user IDs

In a recent analysis by Adalytics, which evaluates media purchases for agencies and brands, Colossus SSP was highlighted for incorrectly reporting user IDs during ad transactions managed through the demand-side platform The Trade Desk.