gen x

Dec 18, 2024

Generation Greytt: The trillion-dollar market that brands continue to ignore

Armed with unprecedented pocket power and digital savvy, the over-50s are redefining what it means to age. Yet businesses remain fixated on youth, overlooking a demographic that's more adventurous, connected and ready to spend than ever before. Rajeev Lochan opines.

Apr 19, 2024

Two generations, same Spotify playlist: Why marketers need to know Gen X to reach Gen Z

They might be separated by 30 years but the two generations have many similarities, says the Forsman & Bodenfors cultural strategist.

Mar 20, 2024

Gen X: The original harbingers of change

Ipsos' Sakina Pittalwala explores the dynamics and contributions of Generation X in India, and builds a case for how brands can leverage the potential of this critical age cohort

Nov 3, 2023

RIP Gen Z, Millennial, Boomer: Is it time for the marketing industry to ditch generational labels?

Leading think tank The Pew Research Center has announced it will stop using generational terms like 'Gen Z' to describe different cohorts of society, but should marketers follow?

Sep 25, 2023

Report: Gen X is largely ignored by brands despite being the most loyal consumer group

TOP OF THE CHARTS: A new report by Wavemaker finds that by overlooking Gen X (people aged 45-60) brands are missing out on a multi-trillion-dollar market.