
Jul 18, 2024

Havas loses B Corp status over controversial Shell deal

After sustained pressure from environmental groups, B Lab has revoked Havas' B Corp certification, citing violations of core values due to the agency's association with Shell.

Jun 2, 2024

Rob Mayhew criticises B Lab over lack of Havas action

Rob Mayhew publicly called out B Lab on social media for its unresolved investigation into the Havas-Shell deal.

May 16, 2024

Activists 'hack' billboards to protest against Shell advertising

OOH campaign by Brandalism precedes Shell’s London AGM this month.

Mar 19, 2024

Comms Declare blasts Shell’s ‘Olympic-level gaslighting’ as it calls for creative review

Environmental advocacy groups will closely watch Shell Energy's creative pitch in Australia to see how the company navigates the evolving landscape of environmental accountability and public perception.

Jan 23, 2024

B Lab initiates formal investigation into Havas' B Corp status amid Shell controversy

Exclusive: 26 B Corp certified agencies demand B Lab to reconsider Havas' B Corp status over the Shell partnership.

Jan 12, 2024

Campaign Global Forecast Q1 2024—Part one

From energy sector controversies to recovering ad spends, these are the biggest global insights for the first quarter of the new year.