
Jul 7, 2024

Employers not trusted to be honest incomms, warns new report

One in three (31%) people do not think their employer is being open and honest in their communications with them, according to a new report by the Institute of Internal Communication.

May 5, 2022

Google blocked 3.4 billion ads and suspended 5.6 million accounts in 2021

The company also took action against Russian state-funded media.

Apr 20, 2022

Consumers punishing ‘inactive’ corporates over Ukraine

A new report suggests corporate inaction over the war between Russia and Ukraine has ‘large negative consequences’ when it comes to public trust.

Sep 3, 2021

Edelman report details how the pandemic has changed what employees look for in a job

Five takeaways for communicators from Edelman's The Empowered Employee study.

Nov 12, 2020

Will Joe Biden's win help improve public trust in the media?

The 'fake news' mudslinger may be about to leave the swamp, but what can the incoming US president do to restore trust in an increasingly fragmented institution like the media?