The TVC spot features a crazed director in the middle of filming an action movie with a motley crew of actors poised as action heroes and villains. However, the director viciously complains that a stand in stunt double for popular Thai actor Ken Theeradeth has too many dark spots on his face; his uneven skin tone contrasting too much with the Theeradeth's unblemished face. The director threatens to call off the project, but Vaseline Men’s Facewash comes to the rescue.
The TVC captures Asian style action comedy in all its humour, leading creative director at BBH Asia Pacific, Tinus Strydom to say that it “may be the funniest Vaseline commercial to date.”
The TVC has been touted as a breakthrough commercial to engage with the younger Thai male audience, and to keep up the momentum for Vaseline Men’s campaign efforts in the region.
Agency BBH Asia Pacific
Creative director Tinus Strydom
Director Surapong Ploensang
Associate creative director Adrian Chan
Associate creative director Douglas Hamilton
Producer Richard Mayo-Smith
Head of account management Christina Chong
Account director Midori Watanabe
Account manager Minah Lim
Account executive Rebecca Lee
Planning director Ayesha Walawalkar
Senior planner Alexis deMontaigu
Production company Phenomena
Post production company The Mill
Audio post production Fuse Asia