SEE ALL OF THE 2022 40 UNDER 40 Proven leaders with path-breaking expertise |
Ang Jin
Senior vice president
South China Morning Post
Hong Kong
Having been at South China Morning Post (SCMP) for nearly seven years, Ang Jin has had the advantage of witnessing the evolution of a legacy news title through myriad changes while leading its digital transformation strategy. Within just four years, a career milestone for her has been to observe SCMP’s ten-fold growth in readership and hundred-fold growth in video views.
But Jin is doing a lot more than merely observing these success points. Among her most notable achievements at the Post is the creation, ideation, positioning, recruitment, and development of Goldthread, an acclaimed affiliated title. The mission of Goldthread was to provide a window into thoughtful stories centred around food, travel and culture among Chinese Gen Zs and millennials. In the past seven months, Goldthread’s monthly views have grown by more than 500% with a total follower figure of one million across all platforms.
Meanwhile, Jin redesigned SCMP’s B2B business and marketing arm which resulted in a 50% increase of average revenue per corporate user since 2021. She also conceptualised and launched SCMP’s C-suite community in Asia, an enterprise aimed to enhance the Post’s engagement with C-suite segment partners. These efforts managed to open up new pockets of growth for the title.
It’s not just C-suites Jin is aiming to attract, she’s also passionate about building SCMP’s student business whether it’s to develop English proficiency among Hong Kong’s youth community or instil critical thinking. She did this by revamping the Young Post to a print and digital experience that extends beyond one-way reading. The new augmented platform now allows students to voice their views and engage in debate with peers beyond their school networks. This interactive learning model picked up an award at the 2022 WAN-IFRA Asian Media Awards.
Jin’s unique background in consulting, investment banking, and business development lends her role a fresh perspective. Add to that her passion for media, communications, and high-quality journalism, she possesses the right blend of qualities to lead what was once a print-only publication into a new phase.
SCMP's CEO Catherine So sings praises for her colleague: “Ang is an unstoppable force within the organisation and a talented all rounded individual who is constantly inspired with new ideas to create impact for SCMP.”
SEE ALL OF THE 2022 40 UNDER 40 Proven leaders with path-breaking expertise |