Sophie Chen
Mar 28, 2013

Cancer foundation uses Facebook to find out what 'sh*ts' people

ADELAIDE - The Jodi Lee Foundation, a bowel-cancer-awareness organisation, worked with creative agency Jamshop, part of STW, to launch a website called, inviting people to share the funny things that irritate them.

Posts include
Posts include "Being photobombed by Jesus" (left) and a child's drawing of her mum's 'hobby'

The campaign, supported by print and social media, will run for four months from now, aiming to raise awareness about bowel cancer and encourage people to take a simple screening test at least every two years from age 40, according to the organisation.

With a serious agenda, the light-hearted site encourages people to share, connect and vent their frustrations through Facebook, including quirky posts of comments, photos and videos. The most popular posts will be promoted on the Facebook page.

Some of the popular posts include a child’s drawing showing their mum’s favourite hobby is drinking wine, the office trash stand-off, and a picture of a polar bear 'waving' to the wrong person, but then pretending to play cool.

According to the community guidelines on the Facebook page, the foundation is approving items before they are shared to prevent anything offensive from being published.

Bowel cancer is the second most common cause of cancer-related death in Australia after lung cancer, claiming almost 5,000 lives every year. It can affect anyone at any age, with 17,000 people diagnosed every year, according to the foundation. One in 12 Australians will develop bowel cancer in their lifetime.

Campaign Asia

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