Inspired by the likes of R/GA, Big Spaceship New York and Breakfast NY, Christian and his co-founder Christos set up shop three months ago and have already picked up work for marine conservationists the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society and for the Maritime Museum.
"It is quite a coincidence that all our work is for marine clients, but it wasn't intentional," laughed Christian.
The decision to leave the traditional agency environment was born of a desire to explore a future in which digital was integrated into daily life and no longer accessed via a screened device, a concept they've termed 'beautiful tech'. "The way we consume content will change, be more part of physical life, and we are really interested in exploring that," said Christian.
He added that both he and Christos felt that they needed to leave TBWA in order to create the type of innovation tech-lab driven environment needed to make Cypha the type of agency it needed to be.