The newspaper, which comes out every Friday, is seen as a rival to the first business weekly in the country, The Edge, and will join a crowded marketplace for business news. The financial media industry in Malaysia has seen interesting developments already over the past year, with the launch of a tablet magazine on politics and business, as well as a business portal.
Focus Malaysia will be published by HCK Media, a division of HCK Capital Group. In the initial phase, Focus Malaysia is committed to a circulation of 20,000 nationwide targeting 75 per cent its circulation to business owners, entrepreneurs, company directors, financial institutions, SMEs, and the management of public-listed companies. The remaining 25 per cent will be through retail sales.
K.K. Chong, senior vice president, media and technology, HCK Capital Group, said he believes the business community has been underserved, a situation that he hopes to correct with Focus Malaysia.
“We want to help grow businesses by giving them news that matters written with deep insights and expanded coverage,” he said. “This is a weekly newspaper that caters to the palette of a diverse range of business leaders across key segments like property, financial services, telecommunications, IT, SMEs, and manufacturing.”
Focus Malaysia will be headed by editor-in-chief Chong Cheng Hai, assisted by two deputies Toh Lye Huat and Charles Raj.