The team, led by producer Annie Kinnane and executive producer Brett Heil, aims to raise more than AU$3000 during the month-long November event. To achieve that, the video will be sent out to their personal and business mailing lists and will be loaded on to the Lustre Pictures facebbook page, asking friends to donate at least $5 if they like the clip. Consequently, the funds raised will be donated to Beyond Blue, the Australian non-profit organization and The Prostrate Cancer Foundation of Australia.
Members of the team spearheading the initiative will grow a moustache over the month, producing their own badge of support for men’s health.
‘’The video was a lot of fun for everyone to make with nearly all the cast made up of the production and post team,” Brett said. “We hope it contributes to the whole purpose of this worthy event, which is to build awareness and raise funds for men’s health, particularly prostate cancer and depression.”
Lustre Pictures was launched last year in Australia and Asia as the production arm of Digital Pulse.
On a separate note, Movember, the Global prostrate cancer charity recently launched in Hong kong. The launch party was held on October 25, where people were given consultations on “How to grow your mo.”