The brand said that the 18 February WeChat A/W14 (autumn/winter 2014) event represented its ‘most personalized social show experience to date’. The video above provides a look at the interactive perks WeChat users enjoyed, including unlocking WeChat-only audio about the runway looks and instantly ordering a piece of the actual runway engraved with their name in Chinese or English. Users also had the ability to follow show guests, such as model/actress/singer Angela Yeung (left, better known as 'Angelababy'), throughout their experience in London, receiving exclusive images, audio and text messages.
‘WeChat opens up a huge new world of opportunity in the digital space," said Christopher Bailey, Burberry’s chief creative officer. "The exciting thing for us is the deeper and more meaningful way that we are able to tell our stories using this platform.”

SY Lau, president of Tencent's Online Media Group, who attended the show in London, touted WeChat's power to create creative content and improve storytelling. A Burberry spokesperson told Campaign Asia-Pacific that as WeChat is the fastest growing mobile and social-media platform, it is important for the brand to build its presence there and to offer added value and interesting, exclusive content.