Campaign India Team
Jul 11, 2023

24 hours with... Sunita Patnaik

Mars Wrigley's director of corporate affairs, takes us through what a day in her life looks like.

Photo: Sunita Patnaik
Photo: Sunita Patnaik

Ever wondered what an ideal day in the life of someone from advertising/marketing/media is? We're here to spill the beans on it. 

Name: Sunita Patnaik
Job: Director of corporate affairs, Mars Wrigley 
Professional mantra: There are limitless opportunities but focus on a critical few to harness true potential.
Personal mantra: I count my blessings every day; grateful for all that I have.
6:30am: I am an early riser and love to greet the day with enthusiasm, resisting the urge to stay in bed. A 10-minute meditation allows for organising my thoughts, in pursuit of a productive and balanced day.
7:00 - 7.30am: While my younger daughter gets ready for school, I indulge in my morning cup of sugarless chai. It kickstarts my day. The 'chai' time is my space, a calm and relaxing one where I can block out the noise of the world. This is the time I catch up with my husband, who is away on international assignments, on family and work matters and wish the best for each other.
And then we munch on apples on our way to catch the school bus.
7:45 - 8:45am: After seeing her [my daughter] off to school, I dive into my fitness routine (at least four times a week, if I am not travelling), incorporating a mix of stretches, cardio, and core exercises that invigorates me and gets me going for the day, enabling me to show up happy and energetic.
9:00am: Depending on my previous night’s calorie intake, I debate between breakfast or no breakfast. If it is breakfast, then it has to be my favourite – spicy poha with egg whites. While getting ready for work, there is a lot of multi-tasking happening – checking household needs, assessing the day's agenda at work, sorting payments for essentials such as laundry, kirana store, etc. My older child has now joined the workforce in all the chaos and rush, I am inspired by the ‘cool’ quotient of my girl – composed and always ready to take on the world.
10:00am - 12:30pm: The world around us is changing fast and this dynamic atmosphere requires us to be on top of our game. Being in tune with the trends and having the confidence to confront reality is super critical. I connect with my agency partners and relevant external stakeholders over black coffee, and many cups of sugarless chai to stay energetic while getting updated. Simultaneously, drawing upon our collective experience and expertise, my team and I brainstorm on ideas and initiatives in service of building and strengthening the winning culture internally and living our purpose to 'inspire moments of everyday happiness'. 
1:00 - 1:30pm: Lunchtime is always fun. We share meals, jokes and laughs, engage in meaningful conversations that extend beyond work-related topics, and catch up on family updates, forging deeper connections. Sometimes we step out for a walk to catch up on our step count, get some fresh air, and ‘gup shup’. I also step out few days a month to have purposeful lunch meetings with external stakeholders, friends, and peers in the industry and outside. This is very important as we get to know the outside world only when we are out there.  
2:00 - 6:00pm: I catch up with external stakeholders once in a fortnight for external intelligence. When in office, I dedicate the afternoon to collaborating with cross-functional teams and catalysing positive impact of the corporate affairs function. My daughter is back from school now and calls to check on me, with a 'what’s up mom' and sometimes quickly moving to her priorities – either seeking permission for day out with friends or to make me cancel a class! 
6:30pm: As the day winds down, I try to reflect on how I managed my day, my energy and the agenda - Did I own it, or did it own me? Did I prioritise well and focus where needed?
7:00pm: Back home, once dinner menu is sorted (it is chaotic mostly, with each of us having individual wish lists), we prioritise checking in with each other. I am hungry by now and definitely not a pleasant person to be with.
8:15pm: I try to follow a mealtime regime and therefore finish dinner by now. I catch up with my mom, my siblings, extended family members and my inner circle of friends, whoever is available. I create a cosy space where I can unwind and relax, indulging in captivating books or OTT shows with green tea – I love crime thrillers though not ideal choice on a week night!
10:00pm: I am now chasing my younger one to get to bed, while spending some time to review upcoming meetings and events, mentally preparing myself for clarity and purpose. I also devote a portion of my evening going through reading materials and working against deadlines to finish assignments for the course that I am pursuing at the Indian School of Business – the advanced management program on public policy for working professionals. This commitment to continuous learning fuels my perspectives.
11:30pm: Fulfilled and grateful, I embrace restorative sleep, reassured that each day presents new opportunities.
This article has been updated for brevity purposes.
Campaign India

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