Benjamin Li
Mar 20, 2014

ADK Taiwan CEO Yves Huang bids farewell

TAIPEI - Yves Huang (黃逸甫), CEO of ADK Taiwan(聯旭廣告) for four years, is leaving the agency at the end of this month. The agency has promoted Barbie Lin (林詠絮), its executive vice president, to the MD role effective 1 April.

Yves Huang
Yves Huang

Huang told Campaign Asia-Pacific that he wanted to thank his team and partners, particularly Richard Yu, the agency's chief creative officer.

Huang will take a vacation before starting a new role with another Taiwan agency in mid-April, he said, although he declined to name the agency. He received several job offers in China but declined them, preferring to stay in Taipei to spend more time with his family, he added.

ADK Taiwan has 110 staff members and serves clients including Pfizer, Uni-President, Hitachi and Shiseido, as well as local clients.

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