Emily Tan
Sep 23, 2014

Best of #SpikesAsia: Day 1

The Spikes Asia 2014 Festival of Creativity is off to a flying start. Sessions today include LuckySparks' F*!k It talk, 180 Amsterdam's Creative MBA and DDB Present's Casey Neistat's 'Honest in Storytelling'.

We got our own Coke bottles. What up!
We got our own Coke bottles. What up!

See all our Spikes Asia 2014 coverage here 

We've hunted down and rounded up the best Tweets (and Instagrams) under the #SpikesAsia hashtag so you don't have to.

Keep an eye on this page, we'll keep updating it periodically until the day's done. 

For the lucky ones at the festival, keep Tweeting, you never know when your 140 character flight of literary genius will make the cut. 

Sound advice. Mother would be so proud. 

"My mom told me once, if I wasn't sure of the dress code for an event, overdress" says a tuxedo-attired @CaseyNeistat
This man, knows his onions
Seriously HavasCafe, are you cheating? Or have you laced the coffee?


Will it make my tongue blue?

Huh? What? Be kind, rewind. 
Revelation 2.0 (See what I did there?)
“Just put ‘2.0’ at the end of any randomly selected word and congratulations, you have an idea.” #SpikesAsia
The Candyman Can


Aieee!! Take it away! Take it AWAY! (Yes, I'm aware I put 'it' in this article. But y'know. Schadenfreude, pain shared and all that)


Hollywood invests in its creativity up front. Agencies don't do that. They want money #newagencymodels #SpikesAsia

I HAVE CONFIDENCE IN SUNSHIIINNEEE! (this song is coming up a lot today)

Yes. Those days are gone. (I can keep the cheesy songs coming forever)
We were all happier when families would gather to watch 60 second tvc's after supper, but those days are gone - Johnny Hornby #SpikesAsia
He welcomes him, the master, yes he does, my precioussss
We salute the shameless slickness

We still don't know why this is happening


Ponderous ponderable ponderings


Havas Cafe is just killing it today

@HavasCafeSIN “I don’t know what ‘engagement’ is. But I’m going to put it in the deck anyway and hope no-one asks.” #SpikesAsia #FakeItTillYouMakeIt


Calling, but not calling, your talk a naughty word seems to be in fashion today


Well no wonder everyone's complaining it's hot in there (no, don't take off all your clothes)


You know you've made it when Coke has a special vending machine just for you

Jessica Triffitt ‏@littlejessiet  55m Nearly there! Anyone for a Coke break? #SpikesAsia pic.twitter.com/ygqexP6YWp
With matching bottles. Of course. 

Watch what you say @HavasCafeSIN. Someone may be listening.

OverheardatHavasCafe ‏@HavasCafeSIN  12m “Yesterday the 20-year old intern asked me how to receive a fax on his iPhone.” #SpikesAsia


Some speakers resort to shameless bribery.


Our brand new reporter, Adrian Tse, burns with dedication for Spikes Asia

Adrian Peter Tse @AdrianPeterTse  ·  19h I broke up with Twitter a year ago. Now rekindling the lost love for Spikes Asia in Singapore.  #myfirstTweet #spikesasia @CampaignAsia
And the first #SpikesAsia seminar quotes start to come in.
This one is sad but, alas, true:
Everyone is suspiciously witty @HavasCafeSIN
@HavasCafeSIN “Everything seems to be consumer-focused nowadays. Why can’t we put the focus back on the important people: us.” #SpikesAsia
Let it out, just let it all out. 
Hey maybe you have to look like one to win one
@elliezaid I'm a Young Creative at #SpikesAsia! :) Forgive the lion's mane.
We're okay with that too
Who needs psychiatrists anymore?


My eyes are up here


Uh no, that doesn't look awkward at all!

Day 1 of #SpikesAsia and we have one cool tool of the social media trade: souped up Padcaster! #OgilvySpikes
Or maybe, he was a ninja advertising executive
@AvtarRamSingh Think I saw a subliminal advertising executive, but just for a split second. #SpikesAsia
Because, it would be mAAaaDness


Geddit? Geddit? #turquoisepoop

@ogilvydo The new Microsoft operating system - 'Windows Ate' #OgilvySpikes #SpikesAsia #sugarhigh
*grabs Karaoke mike* You (need to) fill my my senseeesss.....
@byteconnector “@SpikesAsia:
Guess those kid gloves are staying on


Campaign Asia

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