Watching Taiwanese TV at 3am in the morning. There was this channel with dancing girls, another with feuding politicians and one more with smelly armpits.
What’s the first thing you do when you wake up?
Go back to sleep for another five minutes.
What’s your favourite word?
What’s your favourite song lyric?
Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans. RIP John Lennon.
Sex, drugs or rock and roll?
Food. I'm Chinese.
Ad you’re most ashamed of?
A Pepsi TV commercial that my ECD thought was the best ad in the world - when it was the worst.
Ad you wish you’d made?
At last count, there were 1,000,001. Does the Obama campaign count as an ad?
Gadget you couldn’t live without?
My notebook. When I die, I want a paper replica to be burned for me.
Worst haircut you’ve ever had?
Every morning when I wake up, I look like a cross between Albert Einstein and Christopher Lloyd.
The world ends in one hour. What do you do?
Spend every second with my family.
If you had a trained monkey, what would you make it do?
Take over my job.
What do you wear in bed?
My pink see-through birthday suit. It's soft as silk.