Gemma Charles
Dec 16, 2021

Creativity initiative #SheTakesOver goes global for third edition

Adam & Eve/DDB said the 2022 drive will be the biggest to date.

Creativity initiative #SheTakesOver goes global for third edition

#SheTakesOver, the month-long, industry-wide initiative to elevate women and non-binary people in creative production, is going global in the third year since its launch.

The drive champions rising and established female and non-binary talent in filmmaking, photography, animation, illustration, music and the creative industries by providing a platform for their work so it is seen by people with commissioning power.

Adam & Eve/DDB founded the initiative and said next year will be its biggest to date as the shop will encourage talent and companies from all over the world to get involved. 

For 2022, Adam & Eve/DDB is again partnering Campaign, Free the Work, Equal Lens, the Alliance for Women Film Composers  and  Clear Channel to deliver on the expanded initiative and ensure the work reaches a relevant global audience.

Companies that sign up will dedicate their social channels to the initiative for the month of March. Meanwhile, the @she.takes.over Instagram feed will act as an always-on hub enabling commissioning agencies to access talent on demand. 

#SheTakesOver will also occupy the outdoor arena after Clear Channel committed to donating free advertising space to the initiative.

The 2022 #SheTakesOver showcase launches on 1 March in the run-up to International Women’s Day (8 March), the theme of which next year is “Break the Bias”.

Jemima Monies, deputy managing director of Adam & Eve/DDB, said: “We have proven over the last 18 months that we can access brilliant talent and bring to life authentic stories from all corners of the world.

"It’s time for those with commissioning power to cast their nets far and wide in search for women and non-binary creators and #SheTakesOver aims to make it easier for them to do that." 

Companies that want to get involved and show their support can sign up here, while talent wishing to be considered for inclusion in the initiative can submit their work for consideration here.

Campaign UK

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