Launched in March this year, the TUSS 2011 grants an aspiring entrepreneur the chance to make their business dream comes true. This is the second year of Martell V.S.O.P.'s ‘The ultimate start-up space’.
This campaign offers the winner to bring their business idea to life through the provision of a 1,400-sq-ft shop space at 29 Boon Tat Street, between Singapore's CBD and China-town. The winner will have the space rent-free for a year, $20,000 seed capital, and business training from the Insead business school. Martell received more than 500 entries from local aspiring entrepreneurs and has now announced the top 10 finalists.
Results from crowdfunding, where individuals contribute their own investment funds to concepts and business plans they are confident in, will contribute to 20 per cent of the Top 10 finalists’ total score.
Singaporeans are also able to vote for their favourite business ideas, up until the end of the competition on 15 July.
The winner will be announced in August.
This year, the ideas from the Top 10 finalists span across many industries including food and beverage, printing and textiles, hair care, and retail merchandise.These finalists will receive mentorship from local entrepreneurs Jimmy Fong and Low Cheong Kee, as well as undergo a one-week intensive business training course provided Insead.