The popularity of Hong Kong boyband Mirror—with the public and with brands—shows no signs of waning since we reported on it in July. In fact, the band's dozen members have now endorsed more than 180 brands, according to media-reporting company Admango.
The vast majority of the endorsements by the band's members appear on Instagram, of course. And Admango has created a pretty stunning interactive chart that allows one to explore the web of brand tie-ups. Mouse over a brand or a band member to see which specific members have spoken on behalf of which specific brands. According to the chart, only a few brands have employed all 12 gentlemen (Samsung Mobile, Deliveroo, McDonald's and CSL).

The information on Mirror comes as part of Admango's Hong Kong Adspend Report 2021, which shows that total 2021 adspend increased 29% over the 2020 level, reaching HK$29.4 billion (US$3.8 billion) in total. The report also details the categories and advertiser groups that increased their spending the most.
All major media outlets recorded notable YOY growth, according to the report. Mobile adspend led with a 50% improvement over 2020, followed by social media (+42%) and desktop advertising (+32%). Within the social media category, Instagram spending increased 67% and Facebook spending increased 36%.