The app comes in two versions, one for the visually impaired person, and another for volunteer guides. The concept is that at the touch of a button, the visually impaired person can summon help from the available volunteers. The volunteer who answers the call, will see the environment around the visually impaired person through their mobile phone, enabling the volunteer to provide assistance.
The app was developed to enhance independent living skills for people with little or no sight, by helping them to accomplish day-to-day tasks such as navigating obstructed pathways, reading signs or menus, or selecting a brand of toothpaste.
According to the annual report 2011/2012 from the Singapore Association of the Visually Impaired (SAVH), there are more than 3,000 people in Singapore who are visually impaired or have low vision. They often need access to visual information but lack a sighted companion nearby to assist them.
The app was trailed with a group of employees from the Eureka Call Centre Systems, a contact service provider that employs Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) in the call centre industry.
“This app is about expanding possibilities for people with vision loss,” said Ali Shabaz, chief creative officer at Grey Group Singapore, Indonesia and Thailand. “We hope it will remove barriers for people with vision loss so that they can live their lives to the fullest making everyday decisions just like people with vision do.”
The app is currently available on Android and the iOS version is expected to be available in May.
Chief creative officer Ali Shabaz
Associate creative director Joseph Cheong
Senior art director Yingzhi Deng
Copywriter Karn Singh
Senior interactive designer Sudhir Pasumarty
Mobile application specialist Sandeep Bhardwaj
Mobile application architect Sudhir Pasumarty, Sandeep Bhardwaj
User interface designer Sudhir Pasumarty, Leow See Ming
Web designer Victoria Koh Wei Ting