Benjamin Li
Feb 25, 2014

HNA Group picks Lowe Beijing as branding and advertising partner

BEIJING - Lowe Beijing becomes the new creative partner for HNA Group (海航集团) after a competitive pitch in Q4 that involved more than five agencies, including the incumbent Ogilvy & Mather.

HNA Group print ad
HNA Group print ad

Fanny Yum, MD of Lowe China, told Campaign Asia-Pacific that the agency started working on the account in January after finalizing the contract. The scope of duties includes traditional and digital advertising.

Founded in January 2000, HNA Group’s business spans air transportation, real estate, retailing, financial services, tourism and logistics in China and 11 countries.

Yum added that HNA Group has a strong focus on CSR, including involvement in Unicef's ‘Change for good’ programme and providing eye operations in rural China. Hence the agency's creative work will be targeting a mass public audience.

Yum said HNA Group becomes one of the agency's largest clients. Lowe Beijing also serves CP Group, one of the largest enterprises in Thailand.

In addition to the creative pitch, the client also called a PR agency pitch recently, which went to Omnicom Group’s Shunya International Brand Consulting.


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