Today's launch in Hong Kong will see expecting parents and their families and friends being invited to visit the Huggies Facebook fanpage to vote on a selection of actions that best support pregnant women. Choices include offering seats to pregnant women, giving blessings to them, and offering pregant women to go first when they are in a queue. The action with the most votes will be converted into an outdoor advertising campaign in Hong Kong.
The campaign's objective is to extend Huggies' care to expecting mums and their newborns through advocating a movement among the community to provide extra support, love and care to pregnant women.
In addition, a video was launched on Youtube and Facebook depicting the emotional journey of pregnancy.
“Social media is a highly effective tool for recruiting people into a movement, with traditional media helping to raise awareness by bringing it to the attention of a mass audience,” said Thomas Crampton, Asia-Pacific director, Social@Ogilvy, Ogilvy & Mather.
Robin Moriarty, managing director of Kimberly-Clark in Hong Kong said, “As a brand dedicated to improving the bond between a mother and her baby, Huggies Step-Zero diaper aims to give babies a tender and gentle feeling of comfort and protection, just like their mums’ hugs."
Huggies previously ran the first-ever 'social bus' campaign for Hong Kong babies in February, while OgilvyOne Beijing launched a pregnancy app for Nestlé Infant Nutrition last week.
Agency Ogilvy & Mather Advertising Hong Kong and Social@Ogilvy
Account Servicing Fanny Ng, Calvin Chu, Karen Tong
Creatives Eugene Tsoh, Irene Chan
Social@Ogilvy Tim Ho, Tem Hansen, Jared Ko
Exposure print, online, outdoor, video, instore, facebook