The recently-launced Army advertising campaign on 15 November, consists of a series of three commercials. 'My Brother' features a young girl recounting how her brother protects the country; 'My Son' shows a couple describing their son to their friends; and 'My Boyfriend' sees a young lady describe her boyfriend's job to her friends .
"The focal point of the new Army advertising campaign is to celebrate the essence of our Army – Our People. This campaign demonstrates that every Army personnel is an ordinary Singapore citizen," said Chew Lee Ching, managing director of Mandate International.
"Every Army personnel is a brother, a son or a loved one to someone and every Singaporean is likely to have a brother, son or a loved one in the Army," she adds.
The campaign reflects the strong connections which Singapore soldiers have with their families, loved ones and the society, while serving the role of safeguarding our homes, and our loved ones.
The TV campaign is supported by print ads, OOH advertisements and online media.