Matthew Miller
Mar 28, 2022

The Ramadan outlook for brands: Optimistic

TOP OF THE CHARTS: Consumers in Indonesia are ready to travel and spend during the Ramadan season after two years of restricted celebrations, according to a research report from M&C Saatchi Indonesia.

The Ramadan outlook for brands: Optimistic

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Source: 'From belief to action', a 45-page report from M&C Saatchi Indonesia, based on a quantitative consumer survey across cities, marketer interviews, and an analysis of successful Ramadan campaigns in past years. The report advises brand custodians on how to ride on the wave of confidence, enable consumers to take charge and leverage social and content platforms, online payment, esports, and influencers while being relevant to culture, according to the agency.

More from this source:

  • Anticipation of borders opening and rapid vaccination coverage has people feeling secure to travel  and to spend after a long period of being careful. 
  • "The last quarter of 2021 saw a drastic increase in demand. Pent-up demand in public consumption was followed by an increase in investment activity. Household demand grew by 2.02% in 2021, and is expected to accelerate in 2022. We anticipate Ramadan and Id-Ul-Fitri to be the ‘coming out’ moment for Indonesian household consumption."
  • "The majority of respondents...are quite confident that they would be able to travel or mudik cheerfully this year. Most are completely vaccinated and ready to follow safe travel protocols. Travel and destination brands should emphasise the unique experience they have to offer, while reassuring prospective visitors about the safety protocols they follow."
  • "The rise of local skincare and beauty brands is also predicted to be among the goods that people will seek out and purchase during this festive sale period. In 2021, Muslim fashion transactions in Tokopedia rose almost 4x during Ramadan."
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