Staff Reporters
Sep 22, 2015

Watch: Creatives (and others) in cabs in Singapore

London-based industry networking website Creativepool brought its 'Black Cab Interview' video series to Singapore for Spikes Asia. Watch as Creativepool's Michael Tomes takes eight local and global agency leaders for chatty cruises around town.

Nick Waters gets taken for a ride
Nick Waters gets taken for a ride

In the Black Cab Interviews, Creativepool founder Michael Tomes "takes the great and the good from our industry on a cab ride around London, New York, Singapore... to talk about their work, careers and what they think about the fabulous industry that we work in".

During Spikes Asia 2015, Tomes used a specially outfitted cab (reportedly brought in from London) to take the following creative (and in one case media) agency leaders out for in-motion interviews (the videos are presented in alphabetical order):

Creatvepool worked with the Cogs Agency and had production support from The Flying Kick Asia and Shooting Gallery Asia.


















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