Racheal Lee
May 20, 2013

Umay+ launches integrated campaign to change perception towards loan getters

THAILAND - Umay+, an operator within the revolving loan category in the country, has launched an annual integrated brand campaign through Alpha245/Leo Burnett.

The campaign continues the brand’s communications from last year, aimed at changing the perception people tend to have toward those who have taken up loans by explaining that "there are reasons behind every purchase”. 

It reveals that across financial status and age groups, people make decisions for reasons and encourages people not to undermine others with their own judgements.

This year’s campaign, which kicked off this month, reinforces the brand communications of “Life lived thoughtfully”. It aims to reach out to young working women, who are becoming financially independent and increasingly taking on the role as the household’s main breadwinner.

It will run across TV, print and marketing collateral. The 60-second TV spot, titled 'Photo' brings the spotlight on a simple tale of an only daughter whose proudest moment in life is her ability to not only take care of her widowed mother but also take her mother on a holiday to relive some happy memories.

The voiceover at the end of the TV commercial says: "We understand that there are reasons behind every purchase. Life lived thoughtfully. Revolving loan cash card. Umay+."

Thipayachand Hasdin, general manager at Alpha245/Leo Burnett Thailand, noted that the campaign developed last year resulted in a positive shift in terms of the brand's image and equity, and that this year's campaign is part of the company's long-term brand building strategy. 

“Using strong human insights and HumanKind thinking, we were able to build a campaign that people could relate to which in turn increased their brand empathy with Umay+,” he added.

Campaign Asia

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