Shauna Lewis
Jun 24, 2022

Accenture Song and Coinbase win Direct Grand Prix for 'Less talk, more Bitcoin'

Worldwide, DDB was also a big winner, with branches based in the US, Brazil, Peru, and New Zealand scooping eight awards between them.

The Coinbbase Super Bowl ad generated more than 20 million visitors to the site.
The Coinbbase Super Bowl ad generated more than 20 million visitors to the site.

Direct Lions

US agency Accenture Song and its Coinbase client have won the Direct Grand Prix for “Less talk, more Bitcoin” at Cannes Lions 2022.

The ad debuted during the Super Bowl this year. In the midst of an array of high-budget ads, it simply placed a floating QR code on viewers’ screens, generating 20 million visitors to the site during its 60-second run-time.

DDB New York and Chicago won two gold Lions for their work with Skittles on “Apologise the rainbow”.

The campaign revolved around Skittles’ decision to remove the lime-flavoured Skittles in 2013 and included a 35-minute press conference with a spokesperson apologising to individuals, a billboard in Times Square, and a post that took more than 10 hours to read.

Worldwide, DDB was also a big winner, with branches based in the US, Brazil, Peru, and New Zealand scooping eight awards between them.

The US ultimately took 12 awards home in this category, including the Grand Prix, two gold Lions, four silver Lions, and and five gold Lions.

Uncommon Creative Studio won a bronze Lion for H&M’s “One/second/suit”, the only winner from the UK in this category.

n total, 55 awards were handed out: one Grand Prix, seven gold Lions, 20 silver Lions, and 27 bronze Lions.

Creative Data
Within the Creative Data category, DDB Mexico clinched the Grand Prix for WeCapital’s “Data Tienda”.

The ad launched WeCapital’s financial services centre Data Tienda, an initiative to recover the credit history of low-income Mexican women, which will allow them access to credit from banks.

Black and Abroad’s “The black elevation map”, by Performance Art in Toronto, was the only work to take home two awards: a gold and silver Lion.

Using a map of the US, the digital experience marked points of cultural interest such as black population data, historical markers, and black-owned businesses.

Overall, 13 awards were given out in the category: one Grand Prix; three gold Lions; three silver Lions; and six bronze Lions.

Campaign UK

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