The #unselfie campaign asks social-media users to replace their face with a sign of support and directions for donations. People around the world are writing calls to action (by hand or virtually with photo editing apps), directing donations to Unicef or the Red Cross. They simply write on a sheet of paper, with the hashtag #unselfie and take a picture of themselves holding the sign in front of their face. The pictures then proliferate on profile pages across Facebook, Twitter or other social networking sites as a way to show support and drive funds to specific charities or relief organisations.
The response brings aid to the parts of the Philippines where Typhoon Yolanda created the most devastation in the country. The storm was one of the strongest ever to sweep through Asia.
David Guerrero, creative chairman of BBDO Guerrero, said, “It will only take a minute. But it will go a long way. Let’s do the right thing and help out millions who are still in need.”
Earlier, chief executive of BBDO Guerrero/Proximity Philippines Tony Harris set up a page to allow the London advertising industry to donate to the Red Cross following the disaster. To date, it has raised £6,463.25 (US$10,414).