Staff Reporters
Feb 21, 2022

Broadcast still dominates video viewing in Hong Kong

TOP OF THE CHARTS: Latest Nielsen data in January 2022 shows streaming platforms represent only a fifth of Hong Kongers' in-home video consumption, led by YouTube.

Broadcast still dominates video viewing in Hong Kong

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Highlights from Nielsen Streaming Platform Insights for January 2022

  • 10.1 billion in-home minutes were spent streaming, representing one-fifth of all video consumption time in-home, based on a total net reach of 4.6 million Hong Kongers.
  • Broadcast still represents nearly two-thirds of in-home video consumption and completely dominates during 'prime time' hours with as high as an 83% share.
  • YouTube and myTVSuper round out the top two streaming platforms but top 5 ratings are not the same for every week of the month
  • A higher proportion of viewers watch streaming video in the later night hours, increasing after 9 pm until hitting a peak of 52% between 3 and 4 am.
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