Campaign India Team
Jul 10, 2023

India grows media spends by 5% in 2022: ComScore report

Mindshare, Wavemaker and Lodestar UM were the top three media agencies in terms of billings.

India grows media spends by 5% in 2022: ComScore report
ComScore has rolled out the 10th edition of its global billings rankings and market shares report.
The report reveals 2022 media agency and group billings estimates and covers 46 markets including India.
Globally, 83% of the media agency market is dominated by the big six media groups (GroupM, Publicis Media, Omnicom Media, dentsu, Mediabrands, and Havas Media Network).
Total billings in India for these six groups amounted to USD 14.5 billion. India contributed 5% to the global billings for these six media networks combined. 
In India, digital billings during the year amounted to USD 6,180 USD billion and contributed 48% of the total share. Last year, the total digital billings from the big six media agency groups was USD 4,836 billion, contributing 43% to the total spends.
The top three agencies in terms of billings were Mindshare, Wavemaker and Lodestar UM. GroupM, Mediabrands and Publicis Media were the top three agency groups in terms of billings.
Globally GroupM with billings of 63,859 USD million in 2022 topped the table, this was a growth of USD 3,886 million from 2021. It has a market share of 30%. GroupM was also leading the headcount with 41,000 employees.
Media Agency Network Rankings 2022
In terms of global media agency leaders, OMD topped the global list with billings of USD 22,468 million.
In APAC, GroupM with a 43.5% market share topped the intra-big six group market share. Publicis was second. 
Independent agencies
In India, Madison Media is the largest independent agency and was seventh on the global agency list. No other Indian independent was among the top 25 agencies. Madison’s total billings for the year were USD 920 million, of which 38% came digital. Madison services 205 clients.


Campaign India

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