The reputation of Chinese and multi-national companies in the domestic market is almost on par, though younger consumer segments support multi-nationals more, according to the 2018 China RepTrak 100 report by Reputation Institute where Intel scored 73.6 and Huawei's marks were 72.5.
The report measures seven dimensions of reputation to determine a brand’s score: products/services, innovation, workplace, governance, citizenship, leadership, and financial performance.
Here are the most reputed Chinese brands in China:
Compared to last year, reputation drivers in China are now more dependent on products/services and leadership, which together form 32.8% of a Chinese brand's entire reputation.
As for multinationals, they should focus on financial performance, according to the report. MNCs must show the Chinese general public that they are financially-successful companies, to enhance their reputations.
Here are the most reputed multi-national brands in China: